Discover the secrets of Successful Epoxy Flooring Installations that not only enhance the aesthetics of your space but also stand the test of time. From meticulous preparation to expert application, learn how to achieve success in your epoxy flooring projects.

Automotive shop: An automotive shop in a busy city was looking for a flooring solution that would withstand heavy foot and vehicle traffic, oil spills, and other potential hazards. The shop installed a self-leveling epoxy flooring system that is durable, easy to clean, and resistant to chemicals and abrasion.

Industrial Coating

Brewery: A brewery in a rural area was looking for a flooring solution that would create a unique, industrial look while also being easy to clean and maintain. The brewery installed a metallic epoxy flooring system that features metallic pigments mixed into the epoxy. The resulting floor has a beautiful, shimmering finish that is both functional and stylish.

Government Facility Epoxy Floor Coating

Hospital: A hospital in a major city was looking for a flooring solution that would be hygienic, slip-resistant, and easy to clean. The hospital installed an anti-static epoxy flooring system in its operating rooms, which contains conductive materials that prevent static electricity from building up. This ensures the safety of the patients and staff while also being easy to clean and maintain.

Commercial Epoxy Floor

Residential garage: A homeowner was looking for a flooring solution for their garage that would be durable, stain-resistant, and easy to clean. The homeowner installed a quartz epoxy flooring system, which features colored quartz granules mixed into the epoxy. The resulting floor is slip-resistant and adds a unique decorative element to the garage.

Angus Concrete Solutions

Restaurant: A restaurant in a trendy area was looking for a flooring solution that would be stylish, easy to clean, and slip-resistant. The restaurant installed a terrazzo epoxy flooring system, which features small chips of marble or granite mixed into the epoxy. The resulting floor adds a unique decorative element to the restaurant while also being easy to clean and maintain.

Epoxy Restaurant Floor Coating
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